Matt, Leonard von
St. Pius X: A Pictorial Biography / Leonard von Matt and Nello Vian; Translated by Sebastian Bullough - Chicago Henry Regnery Company 1955 - 90 p.
This is a modern kind of biography: it is the life story of the most beloved Saints of our time, told pictorially.
Pius X, Pope 1835-1914
Pictorial history
922.21 Mat 15
St. Pius X: A Pictorial Biography / Leonard von Matt and Nello Vian; Translated by Sebastian Bullough - Chicago Henry Regnery Company 1955 - 90 p.
This is a modern kind of biography: it is the life story of the most beloved Saints of our time, told pictorially.
Pius X, Pope 1835-1914
Pictorial history
922.21 Mat 15