Jenkinson, Michael
Ghost towns of New Mexico Playthings of the wind by Michael Jenkinson; Illustrations by Karl Kernberger - Albuquerque University of NM Press 1967 - 156 p
Includes Bibliography
Acknowledgments -- I. The Dreamer -- II. Camp of Guns and Gold -- III. The Spanish Ghost Towns -- IV. Land of Legend -- V. The liveliest town in the Territory -- VI. Stars over Chloride -- VII. Towns of the Fire Rock -- VIII. Bonanza in the Mogollons -- IX. Requiem for Georgetown -- X. Land of Violent sun -- XI. Town of Ghosts and Diamonds -- XII. Tyrone: The Creation -- XIII. Valley of Silver -- XIV. Song of Kingston -- XV. Ballad of Hillsboro -- Map -- Bibliography
--New Mexico.
-- History--1848.
978.9 Jen 48
Ghost towns of New Mexico Playthings of the wind by Michael Jenkinson; Illustrations by Karl Kernberger - Albuquerque University of NM Press 1967 - 156 p
Includes Bibliography
Acknowledgments -- I. The Dreamer -- II. Camp of Guns and Gold -- III. The Spanish Ghost Towns -- IV. Land of Legend -- V. The liveliest town in the Territory -- VI. Stars over Chloride -- VII. Towns of the Fire Rock -- VIII. Bonanza in the Mogollons -- IX. Requiem for Georgetown -- X. Land of Violent sun -- XI. Town of Ghosts and Diamonds -- XII. Tyrone: The Creation -- XIII. Valley of Silver -- XIV. Song of Kingston -- XV. Ballad of Hillsboro -- Map -- Bibliography
--New Mexico.
-- History--1848.
978.9 Jen 48