Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Crichton, Kyle S.

Law and Order, LTD; the rousing life Elfego Baca of New Mexico by Kyle S. Crichton - Santa Fe, New Mexico Santa Fe NM Publishing Corporation 1928 - 219 p.

Elfego is captured by the Indians and rescues his father from the Los Lunas jail --
Elfego meets Billy the Kid and learns of justice --
The famous fight at Frisco. Elfego wins his reputation, and routs the Texans --
Elfego plays Robin Hood at Kelly --
The lynching of Joe Fowler --
Mr. Hardcastle of England reminisces on Elfego and Joe Fowler --
In which Elfego and Billy the Kid show a slight disrespect for the judiciary --
Elfego issues invitational warrants as sheriff, blacks up to capture Garcia and defies the mob --
Sheriff Baca cuts the jail food bill, and welcomes Henry Coleman, the elusive friend of Mr. Hannett --
Elfego discovers that the Mexican Revolution is a free-for-all fight. He enters --
Elfego defends General Salazar, who disappears mysteriously from Albuquerque jail --
Huerta dies. Elfego returns to New Mexico --
Elfego kills Celestino Otero and is acquitted --
Elfego is bouncer at Juarez and meets Mary Garden --
Albert Bacon Fall --
"Bull" Andrews descends on New Mexico --
Elfego encounters Bill Saunders, gets some money from Mr. Price and meditates on Mr. Magee --
A short sermon on various things --
Elfego enjoys a jail sentence and pockets the profit --
Conclusion. Mr. Baca runs for judge, helps conservancy, and keeps very much alive.

The year is 1828. Forty-four Octobers have come and gone since Elfego Baca earned top ranking as a gunfighter. Few now remember that on a fall day in 1884, in the village of Frisco, New Mexico, Baca ducked some 4,000 bullets fired by eighty cowboys aiming to kill him. Fewer still recall that the reason for the shoot-out was Baca's obsession with rescuing Mexican settlers from abuse by Texans in days before "civil rights" became a catch phrase. The reputation of the Hero-now forced-lawman-politician is sorely in need of repair, for despite his boasts of possessing one of the best law practices in the state, things have not gone well for Baca. Elfego has been declared a bankrupt; he's been humiliated by an untidy divorce; and neither political party in the state seems to want to run him as a candidate for much of anything. So, what's a man of action to do? What Elfego does is to make a pre-emptive strike to repair that tattered reputation. He finds a biographer to tell his story just like he wants it told, including his meetings with Billy the Kid and the opera star, Mary Garden. He finally settles on Kyle Samuel Crichton, but only after William A. Kelcher, the respected journalist-lawyer, has said "No." Kelcher introduces Baca to Crichton, who has few writing credentials though he would later author popular books and a successful Broadway play. Crichton has escaped from the smoke stacks and slag heaps of the Pennsylvania mining county to the pure air of Albuquerque, not to repair the reputation of those like Elfego who have fallen from grace, but to repair his own health. While Elfego is as short as Napoleon, Crichton is taller than Gary Cooper. While Elfego is rotund, Crichton is thin and muscular. While Elfego is bold, Crichton is cautious. But Crichton, who later wrote a biography of the Metropolitan Opera star Risë Stevens (Subway to the Mei), brings a wild sense of humor that was to be reflected in all his books. And, while Baca is long on years that boost his heroism, Crichton insists on balance. The narrative of the book the pair produced remains open to question: How much of it is fact, how much is flights of fancy? Whichever it is, it's a whale of a story about a life lived to a fullness rarely experienced

Baca, Elfego 1864-1945.

Sheriffs--Biography--New Mexico
Crime --History--New Mexico


978.9052092 Cri 48