Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Ten Great Musicals of the American Theatre by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Radnor, Pennsylvania Chilton Book Company 1973 . 749 p. , Now you can savor the full texts and lyrics of these hit shows, some published here for the first time, others long out of print. Stanley Richards has provided original cast lists photographs and background information about the shows and their creators. he has placed the evolution of the American musical in perspective. Date: 1973 Availability: Items available: [812.08 Ric] (1),
2. Solar energy handbook: by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Radnor, Pennsylvania Chilton Book Company 1979 . ix, 179 p. Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: [621.471 Sol] (1),
3. Chilton's Auto repair manual by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Radnor, Pa Chilton Book Company 1971 . 1136 p. Date: 1971 Availability: Items available: [R629.28 Chi] (1),
4. Chilton's guide to small engine repair 6 to 20 hp / by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Radnor, Pennsylvania Chilton Book Company 1983 . xi, 247 p. Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: [621.43 Chi] (1),
5. Chilton's auto repair manual, 1991-1995 by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Radnor, Penn. Chilton Book Company 1994 . 1 v. in various pagings : , Spine title: 1995 Auto repair manual 1991-95. | "Part No. 7915"--Cover. 29 cm. Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: [R629.28 Chi] (1),
6. Chilton's truck and van manual, 1993-97 / by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Radnor, PA : Chilton Book Company, 1996 . 1 v. (various pagings) : , Spine title: 1997 Truck and van repair manual 1993-97 U.S. and Canadian models. | "Part no. 7921"--Spine. | "Covers all domestic and import models for U.S. and Canada"--Cover. 29 cm. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: Book Cart (1),
7. Chilton's auto repair manual, 1993-97 / by 20160731 frey50 Publication: Radnor, PA. : Chilton Book Company, 1996 . 1 v. (various pagings) : , Spine title: 1997 Auto repair manual 1993-97 U.S. and Canadian models. | "Covers all U.S. and Canadian models"--Cover. | "Part No. 7919"--Cover. 29 cm. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: (),