Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. The Santa Fe Trail / by Duffus, R. L. Publication: London Longmans, green and Company 1930 . xi, 283 p. , Maps on lining-paprs. "Printed in the United States of America." Includes index. Date: 1930 Availability: Items available: [978.9 Duf] (1),
2. The Santa Fe Trail / by Duffus, R. L. frey50 Publication: New York Longmans, Green and Company 1930 . 283 p. Date: 1930 Availability: Items available: [R978.9 Duf] (1),
3. Christmas for Tad by Miller, Helen Topping Publication: New York Longmans, Green and Company 1956 . 92 p. Date: 1956 Availability: Items available: [973.7092 Mil] (1),
4. The poems of John Ruskin by Ruskin, John frey50 Publication: New York Longmans, Green, and Company 1906 . 291 p. , Ruskin's coat of arms in gilt on front cover. Each volume also has special t.p. Date: 1906 Availability: Items available: [821 Rus] (1),
5. The poems of John Ruskin by Ruskin, John frey50 Publication: New York Longmans, Green, and Company 1906 , Ruskin's coat of arms in gilt on front cover. Each volume also has special t.p. Date: 1906 Availability: Items available: [821 Rus] (1),
6. The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the niblungs by Morris, William frey50 Publication: New York Longmans, Green, and company 1914 . 345 p. Date: 1914 Availability: Items available: [821 Mor] (1),