Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Cabral, Vasquez

Museum Status at Issue Vasquez Cabral - Raton, NM Raton Range July 14, 1987 - 2 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range July 14, 1987 .

Master list item #: 2

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article + Photograph of Margoree Stockton and Randy Forrester

This article is about requesting funding to repair the museum, and about a letter sent to the Editor of the Raton Range without permission of the Museum Board. The letter is discussed and points addressed in this article.

Carlson, Roger--Raton Mayor
Forrester, Randy--Raton City Manager
Rubin, Randy--Board Member
Stockton, Margoree--Colfax County Society of Art, History and Archaeology President

Chamber and Economic Development Council
Colfax County Society of Art, History and Archaeology
Raton Museum Board
Raton Commission

Board Meetings
Museum Damages
Letter to Editor

Raton, New Mexico

Raton - Colfax County Society of Art, History & Archeology and Raton Museum 36