Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Ventura, California March 6, 1983 Dear Marilyn - Cimarron, New Mexico Cimarron News March 18, 1983 - 3 p Newspaper Article

Master List Item # 2

File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets

Article about Dolores Arellano and Joe Trujillo.

Arellano, Dolores
Trujillo, Joe
Rosso, Lento
Lento, Emma
Arellano, Paul
Arellano, Nancy
Atler, Margaret
Arellano, Minnie

Rosso's Grocery Store
Pacific Telephone
Port Hueneme Navy Base


Cimarron, New Mexico
Springer, New Mexico
Raton, New Mexico
Ventura, California

New Mexico - Colfax County - People, or Topics of Interest - Stories, Legends and Tales 36