Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Great Historic places   Publication: New York Simon & Schuster 1957 . 376 p. , Includes Index Date: 1957 Availability: Items available: [917.3 Gre] (1),
2. Cimarron, of wild and woolly fame by Montgomery, C. M. Publication: Santa Fe, NM New Mexico Magazine 1969 . 6 p , Mater List Item # 82 Date: 1969 Availability: No items available:
3. Looking back : St. James Hotel   Publication: Raton, NM Raton Range 1979 . 1 p , Mater List Item # 7 Date: 1979 Availability: No items available:
4. Route 66 in New Mexico by Sonderman, Joe Publication: Charleston, SC Arcadia, 2010 . 127 p. 24 cm. Date: 2010 Availability: Items available: [338.1789 Son] (1),