Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Raton Man part of 'Folsom Man' Raton man part of Folsom Man - Raton, NM Raton Range December 9, 1994 - 1 p Newspaper Article - Raton Range December 9, 1994 .

Master list item #: 46

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article + Photograph of Margoree Stockton, Margaret Profaxi, Gene Stockton and Shannon Morrow

This article is about the Raton Museum's exhibit of "Went to Folsom Looking for a Fossil Skeleton" and the receiving Donations.

Stockton, Margoree
Profazi, Margaret--Office Manager of Bank of New Mexico
Sanchez, Roger--President of Colfax County Society of Art, History and Archeology
Schwacheim, Carl
Stockton, Gene--Bank advisory director
Morrow, Shannon--Raton Museum Director

Bank of New Mexico
Raton Museum
Colfax County Society of Art, History and Archeology

Folsom Man
Traveling Displays
Museum Exhibits
Museum Donations
Museum Funding
Natural History Magazine --1927
Community Support

Raton, New Mexico
216 South 1st Street

Raton - Colfax County Society of Art, History & Archeology and Raton Museum 36