Campa, Arthur L.
Treasure of the Sangre de Cristos Tales and Traditions of the Spanish Southwes Arthur L. Campa - Norman, Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Press 1963 - 223 p.
1. The climate of treasure and legend
2. Lost mines in the Organ Mountains
3. Treasure-hunters and prospectors
4. The treasure of "El Chato" Nevárez
5. The gold on Smelter Hill
6. Fate has the final word
7. Treasures hid in the fields
8. The Jesuit treasure of Bamoa
9. The author becomes involved
10. The lost Dupont mine
11. Natural phenomena and the growth of legends
12. The Hermit of Las Vegas
13. The Hermit's trail to New Mexico
14. Indians and Spaniards
15. Heirlooms of tradition
This collection of tales and traditions from the Southwest includes stories of lost mines stacked with bars of gold, mule loads of silver cached away in outlaw hoards, and fabulous Jesuit treasures buried when that order was expelled from New Spain. Some treasure locations would be rediscovered by chance or by an old map-and somehow always lost again.
But not all these folk teasures are of material wealth. There is the story of a nun who loved a soldier and repented, and whose kneeling figure may still be seen as a mountain rock formation. There is the Hermit of Las Vegas, an actual person who, after traveling between Argentina and Quebec, settled in New Mexico, where he became the subject of affectionate legends.
9780806111766 0806111763
Southwest--Sangre de Cristos Mountains
Tales --New Southwest
398 Cam 42
Treasure of the Sangre de Cristos Tales and Traditions of the Spanish Southwes Arthur L. Campa - Norman, Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Press 1963 - 223 p.
1. The climate of treasure and legend
2. Lost mines in the Organ Mountains
3. Treasure-hunters and prospectors
4. The treasure of "El Chato" Nevárez
5. The gold on Smelter Hill
6. Fate has the final word
7. Treasures hid in the fields
8. The Jesuit treasure of Bamoa
9. The author becomes involved
10. The lost Dupont mine
11. Natural phenomena and the growth of legends
12. The Hermit of Las Vegas
13. The Hermit's trail to New Mexico
14. Indians and Spaniards
15. Heirlooms of tradition
This collection of tales and traditions from the Southwest includes stories of lost mines stacked with bars of gold, mule loads of silver cached away in outlaw hoards, and fabulous Jesuit treasures buried when that order was expelled from New Spain. Some treasure locations would be rediscovered by chance or by an old map-and somehow always lost again.
But not all these folk teasures are of material wealth. There is the story of a nun who loved a soldier and repented, and whose kneeling figure may still be seen as a mountain rock formation. There is the Hermit of Las Vegas, an actual person who, after traveling between Argentina and Quebec, settled in New Mexico, where he became the subject of affectionate legends.
9780806111766 0806111763
Southwest--Sangre de Cristos Mountains
Tales --New Southwest
398 Cam 42