Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Hughes-Lynch, Claire Efrey50

Teaching children with high-functioning autism : strategies for the inclusive classroom / by Claire E. Hughes-Lynch. - Waco, Tex. : Prufrock Press, c2012. - ix, 207 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

"This book provides realistic descriptions of autism in the classroom, ideas for working with a wide range of professionals, and integrating the various therapies within a classroom, suggestions for assessing students' learning, and a range of teaching ideas from behavioral interventions to content-area instruction. With ideas for writing a very strong, helpful IEP as well as ways to accommodate and manage the social, language, and anxiety-related issues children with high-functioning autism face in a general education setting, this guidebook is sure to help all teachers serve their students with autism in the inclusive classroom!"--P. [4] of cover.

9781593637477 (pbk.) 1593637470 (pbk.)


Autistic children--Education--United States.
Asperger's syndrome--Education--United States.
Inclusive education--United States.
Behavioral assessment.

371.9046 Hug 9