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Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)

by Berceli, David
Published by : Createspace (Thorton, CO) Physical details: 90 p. Paperback ISBN:9781419607547. Year: 2015
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600 - 699 Book Cart 616.852106 Ber (Browse shelf) Available State Grant in Aid 115403
Browsing Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Shelves , Shelving location: Book Cart Close shelf browser
616.8521 Mor The evil hours : 616.8521 Sch The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook : 616.8521 Wal Complex PTSD : 616.852106 Ber Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) 616.8521206 Van The body keeps the score 616.852205 Pit Rewire your anxious brain : 616.85236 Sch Sybil /

This book explains many aspects of the trauma recovery process in uncomplicated language and uses basic concepts for the non-professional. It includes the ground-breaking, Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). These exercises elicit mild psychogenic tremors that release deep chronic tension in the body and assist the individual in the trauma healing process.