Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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121. Maximilian and Charlotte of Mexico Volume 1 by Corti, Egon Caesar Publication: New York Alfred A. Knopf 1928 . 406 p. , Paged continuously. "Originally published as Maximilian und Charlotte von Mexico ... 1924 by Amalthea-verlag, Vienna." Date: 1928 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [972.07 Cor] (1),
122. Mirrors of the soul / by Gibran, Kahlil Publication: New York Wisdom Library 1965 . 101 p. Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [928.1 Gib] (1),
123. Story Under Full Sail by Vozenesensky, Andrei frey50 Publication: Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1974 . 69 p. , First half of book in English, Second half in Russian Date: 1974 Availability: Items available: [891.71 Voz] (1),
124. Vincent van Gogh: by Meier-Graefe, Julius Publication: New York Literary Guild of America 1933 . xvi, 239 p. Date: 1933 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [927.5 Mei] (1),
125. The portable Plato by Plato frey50 Publication: New York The Viking Press 1948 . 696 pages , Translated into English by Benjamin Jowett; edited by Scott Buchanan Date: 1948 Availability: Items available: [888 Pla] (1),
126. The Red Baron by Richthofen, Manfred Freiherr von Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co. 1969 . 240 p. Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: [940.449430924 Ric] (1),
127. Kon-tiki by Heyerdahl, Thor Publication: New York Pocket Books 1950 . 240 p. , Includes index | Illustrated with 80 Photographs Date: 1950 Availability: Items available: [910.4 Hey] (1),
128. The coming dark age by Vacca, Roberto frey50 Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1973 . 221 p. Date: 1973 Availability: Items available: [909.82 Vac] (1),
129. Three Adventures; by Cousteau, Jacques-Yves Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1973 . 304 p. , Includes Index Date: 1973 Availability: Items available: [910.453 Cou] (1),
130. George Sand by Doumic, Rene frey50 Publication: Port Washington, New York Kennikat Press 1972 . 309 p. Date: 1972 Availability: Items available: [840 Dou] (1),
131. Lusher color test by Luscher, Max Publication: New York Randon House 1969 . 187 p Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [152.145 Sco] (1),
132. Madame Curie by Curie, Eve Publication: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1937 . xi, 419 p. , "First edition." | "This story was published serially under the title Marie Curie, my mother."--p. [1]. 24 cm. Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [925.4 Cur] (1),
133. St. Pius X: by Matt, Leonard von Publication: Chicago Henry Regnery Company 1955 . 90 p. Date: 1955 Availability: Items available: [922.21 Mat] (1),
134. Pippi goes on board by Lindgren, Astrid Publication: New York Viking Press 1957 . 140 p. Date: 1957 Availability: Items available: [jLin] (1),
135. History of nineteenth-century Russian Literature by Cizevskij, Dmitrij frey50 Publication: Nashville Vanderbilt University Press 1974 . 218 p. , Includes Bibliographies and index Date: 1974 Availability: Items available: [891.709003 Ciz] (1),
136. No surrender by Onoda, Hiroo Publication: Tokyo Kodansha International Ltd. 1974 . 219 p , Translation of Waga Rubantō no sanjūnen sensō. Date: 1974 Availability: Items available: [940.548252 Ono] (1),
137. The Zunis- .   Publication: Albuquerque, NM U. of N.M. Press 1972 . 245 p Date: 1972 Availability: Items available: [398.209701 Zun] (1),
138. Eight plays by Moliere frey50 Publication: New York The modern library 1957 . 399 p. Date: 1957 Availability: Items available: [842 Mol] (1),
139. The Poems of Doctor Zhivago by Pasternak, Boris frey50 Publication: Kanses City, Missouri Hallmark editions 1967 . 61 p. Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [891.7 Pas] (1),
140. Letters of Sigmund Freud by Freud, Ernest L. Publication: New York Basic Books 1975 . 470 p. Date: 1975 Availability: Items available: [150.1952 Fre] (1),